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Deniz Hallik (Bronze Award Holder)

The various acitivities which I have carried out  in The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award Programme, have eliminated my prejudices both towards my teammates and some sort of music. At the beginning, I doubted myself about whether I could cope with the difficulties of communicating with disabled children while visiting them.  The Award Programme also has helped me to overcome prejudice about myself. However, most importantly,  I have realized that the Programme has affected my opinion about life in nature and materialism. 
The Programme have made me believe that life is coming from nature and not from objects. It also made me understand, that I should appreciate living in this way.  We may need to be in nature more, in order  to understand what nature provides us. In our days at the camp,  we struggled with challenges of staying in the middle of the forest. I was also trying to explore the wild life. While I was completing the activities for each section every week, I have understood that improving oneself is not only about of 1 hour lectures, trainings or visits. In order to embrace tomorrow, we shouldn’t have any prejudices and we sholud be open to new experiences in life.